Conan Cerberus Illusion – our first day. Part 2

Conan Cerberus Illusion – our first day. Part 2

Conan Cerberus Illusion cimarron uruguayo dogs for sale
Conan Cerberus Illusion – Cimarron Uruguayo for sale

After the deep sadness during our first hours, finally, Conan found out that he is in the best hands. He was returned to a person who could understand him. He was surprised I can understand him even without barking. When he wanted anything, I knew what it is. If he wanted out, I let him go out. If he wanted to be petted, I cuddled him. As soon as he was thirsty I gave him water. When he got hungry, he got food. He did not need to bark even once. His clever eyes, wonderful face mimics, and body language could explain everything.

New language

Conan Cerberus Illusion cimarron uruguayo dogs for sale
Lucky Conan Cerberus Illusion

Since the first moment, I was talking another language to him. But at the same time, it looked as if he could understand each world. In reality, our dogs do not understand the human language itself, they have much more the sense for the intonation of our voice in combination with our facial expression. If you talk to a dog smiling by a kind voice, it knows, you are telling something nice to it. Contrary, if you scream and you look angry, your dog will know, you are talking about something bad.

Conan in the kitchen

After the long first day, we got inside. He was once again learning the sounds in the household. Conan was following me everywhere like my own shadow. He was learning how to move on the slipping surface not only on the thick carpets. This cute boy helped me in the kitchen and was following me to the table to have dinner. He sat next to me first watching and waiting. After a couple of minutes he recognized, that food belongs to me. So, he went to the carpet, laid down and fall asleep.

Conan Cerberus Illusion cimarron uruguayo dogs for sale
Conan Cerberus Illusion – Cimarron Uruguayo for sale

Conan watching YouTube

To make the socialization more intense, we were watching YouTube together. You might think, watching movies is a passive activity and a dog should not watch TV at all. So, why is it good? There is plenty of sounds, different voices and of course also visual effects in movies. Thus you can utilize this as a kind of socialization. I never let any dog watch movies alone. Ia ma always present. In fact, I am watching the movie and my dogs are just present. They concentrate on parts, which are interesting for them, but they cannot concentrate on the whole movie as we people.

Good night, Conan

Before we got to bed, we went out for a short walk. Then, I got to bed and Conan liked the idea to sleep there too. As soon as he jumped luckily into my bed, I put him down. Having done this twice he understood, he should stay down. I was not sure, what time would Conan wake me up during our first night in order to let him out. What my surprise was getting up in the morning by myself, finding Conan to lie in the same place where he laid down the previous night. He was up, but very calm. Conan did not want to wake me up. He was so happy, I am up and we can go out and have another fantastic day together.

2 thoughts on “Conan Cerberus Illusion – our first day. Part 2

  1. I love it when people come together and share opinions.

    Great blog, keep it up!

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