H litter

As each litter, also our H litter was planned very carefully. I always keep in mind what breeding should look like. To describe it by one single word I would say – IMPROVING. We select very carefully the dogs which we breed. The criteria for this selection may differ from breeder to breeder. At Cerberus Illusion kennel we set these criteria really high. Excellent health, character, working ability and anatomy according to the FCI standard are the most important factors in our breeding.


According to the FCI the aim of dog breeding is “functionally healthy dogs with a construction and mentality typical to the breed, dogs that can live a long and happy life for the benefit and pleasure of the owner and the society as well as the dog itself. Breeding should be carried out in such a manner that it promotes the health and well-being of the progeny, as well as the welfare of the bitch.” [1]

This definition might sound very complicated but at the same time it is very easy. If we produce well-balanced puppies which have wonderful character and they are willing to please their families (and of course, we pair well the given puppy with its future family), both the dog and its family will have a happy long life together.

For me, breeding is my best (very expensive!) hobby! I love to create dogs who make their families happy. I enjoy reading the messages from my puppy owners claiming that they got “the best dog in their life”, “best companion”, “most clever dog” etc. from me. There are owners who returned to me to take one more dog from my kennel. It means, they were more than satisfied. These owners usually have dogs from different generations and they could all confirm that the next generation is better than the previous one. This makes me even more proud as they could confirm that I IMPROVE dogs generation by generation.
Unique upcoming litter
Our upcoming H litter is an extraordinary unique litter. This is our 8th UNREPEATED litter! At the same time, this is the last litter for the female, who will be the mother. In this case the parents will be kept in secret till the moment all puppies are born and well!

What is not secret are the anonymous information about them and the expected puppies. The mother fell in love with the father of the puppies – not for the first time! You might laugh but seeing dogs in love is something really wonderful and puppies produced like this are very special. So I believe, our 4th generation working Cimarrons from H litter will be nice representatives of the breed with loving character, ready to protect their families and fulfill any wish of their beloved owners.

Within H litter puppies for show, work, various kind of dog sports and breeding should be born. At the same time, both parents have lovely character, they get along well with other dogs, they love children and they are fantastic family dogs and companions. They love to be close to their owner, both of them are real smiling and kissing clowns who make you smile as well. Their puppies should inherit this as well.

Fourth generation of working puppies

- The fourth generation of working Cimarron Uruguayo dogs at Cerberus Illusion kennel
- Unique unrepeated litter
- Champion bloodlines
- Both parents with excellent health (HD – A/A, ED 0/0, excellent spine)
- Father is the sixth generation with only HD-A dogs in the pedigree!
- Both parents are working

At Cerberus Illusion, we do not repeat litters! Each litter is unique. This might change in the future in the case of really small litters or at litters with strictly limited breeding rights. Our males do not mate huge masses of foreign females. I prefer using my males only at home. So their bloodline is available only via their puppies. This makes our puppies really valuable also for breeding. At the rare dog breeds (like Cimarron Uruguayo), the large and diverse gene pool is very important. This is one of the reasons, why I do not repeat litters and why I limit the breeding rights.

As I do not breed for money, I do not need to produce one litter after another with the same parents! Most often I plan a litter if I want a puppy for myself, as it is also in this case. It is then the destiny that decides if a puppy stays at home or it is needed somewhere else.

Puppy socialization at Cerberus Illusion kennel
Our puppies are being carefully watched and tested. The mother with her puppies are always inside and I am living in the same room when they are. I sleep there and during the day I am working in the same room. The puppies are well socialized (as you can see in the following video) since the first moment, they learn to play with different toys, they are socialized to various sounds, things, household equipment and devices as well as to other dogs.
Is this breed suitable for you?

Are you interested in one of our Cimarron Uruguayo puppies, but you are not sure whether this breed is for you? You have read plenty of misleading information about this breed? Did you hear they are too active and need plenty of space? Thus you think they can live only on a big farm? Or you have read they are aggressive and will eat you? This information are ALL FALSE! Feel free to read our article about Cimarron Uruguayo. More detailed description of the breed can be found in English, Slovak and Czech. Shortly, Cimarron Uruguayo is suitable for plenty of different people with different lifestyles. You just need a breeder, who will offer you the puppy, which suits you and your family.
What puppy do you prefer?

As a breeder, who is working with whole litters of puppies, I always choose only the perfect puppy for each future puppy owner. If there is not a perfect puppy for someone, I do not offer another puppy just to sell it. I rather recommend another breeder, who has puppies at the same time. So be prepared for plenty of question so I have the opportunity to know you and your family, as well as the conditions where the puppy will live. If you will ask for a puppy for show and breeding, be prepared that I will offer you only such a puppy, which I would keep myself. I send only the best puppies for show and breeding, where the anatomy, movement and character must be all beautiful.

The constant watching of the puppies and long-years experience enables me to recognize, which puppy is talented in what field. Finally, each of us prefers different kind of character at our dogs. The character of each dog at all dog breeds is as unique as the character of every single person. If you want a puppy for a certain kind of dog sport or work, I will offer you only a puppy, which will be suitable for it. A hyperactive person always in the movement will not be happy with a lazy dog, which will prefer lying on the sofa and being cuddled.

It is the same if you want only a family dog. I will want to know whether there is another dog or other animal in your family or whether you have children. If you have another dog, I will offer you a puppy that will get along well with your current dog. Many of our Cimarrons are in the families with small children and I am very proud of the character of our dogs. They all behave really nice with children. This is characteristic also for my own dogs which are used for breeding.

Thank you
Here I must mention and thank to the Uruguayan breeders whose dogs create the base of my breeding – Mr. Luis Alfonso Meny (owner of De Los Nogales kennel), Dr. Gonzalo Ferreira (owner of Las Raíces kennel) and Dr. Adriana Romero Doldan (owner of De Aqueronte kennel). Without their work I could never have my beloved Cimarrons.
Feel free to read more about what you get with our puppies here.
[1] FCI, FCI international breeding strategies, accessed 9 March 2021, <http://fci.be/en/Breeding-42.html>.