Saved Uruguayan Cimarron for sale
Harry Potter and his story – Part 1

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Edmund Burke

More than a month passed since I got a message via Messenger from an unknown person with a strange question: “Do you check future owners of your puppies?” Of course, I do! There are still more people who did not get any puppy from my kennel than those, who belong to the lucky owners of our Cimarrons. I am happy that this person wrote both to my kennel FB page and also my personal profile. I immediately replied as I supposed, there might be a problem. And there was a big problem, but I will start from the beginning the story of the first saved Uruguayan Cimarron from my kennel.
Story of a very friendly puppy

Before our H litter was born, some people were already eagerly waiting for their new family members. The owner of Harry Potter, let´s call her Amanda, was among them as well. None of the owners knew, which puppy would be theirs as I select each puppy for future owners so they suit to each other. At the beginning two puppies were selected by me, but the future owners did not know about my decision. That time Amanda saw one of the photos which I posted and asked if Harry Potter could be hers. He was one of those, which I was considering for her, so I agreed.

As the puppies were growing, I was more than sure that this couple will perfectly suit to each other. Potter was selected for show and breeding and he was really growing into a handsome boy. Except for this his character was just amazing. He was always running to me luckily smiling and wagging his tail. He behaved very nice with other dogs which was important, as his future owner had other dogs at home too.
Meeting his new family
Weeks passed and the big day came really fast. The day, when his future owner came for him. He welcomed her with pleasure. His mind was open for new adventures together with her. He was ready to become her best friend, best companion and the dog who will be ready to give his life for her. But, this all requires not only a unique puppy, but also a perfect owner. Someone, who will teach everything to the puppy, who will support it and raise it with plenty of love.

Months passed and Potter successfully started his show career. He did his best to make her owner satisfied, as it is so typical for our Cimarrons. He won the puppy class show after show and I was so proud of this little boy. Unfortunately for him, he did not win BIS puppy at his first show. Amanda got mad due to this. Potter was thrown into the transport box in the car and bitten there.
Feel free to read Potter´s story here.
All names were changed, including the name of the dog, who is the first saved Uruguayan Cimarron from our kennel.