BELONA Cerberus Illusion

Belona Cerberus Illusion – alias “Belly” is the puppy who stayed at home due to destiny. She comes form 13 puppies where I selected 3 puppies, which will stay at home. 2 females and a male – Beulah, Beauty and Beowulf. Belona was offered as one of the best puppies for show, work and breeding. As there were more puppies which suited to the owners who she was offered for, they could choose. 2 owners preferred another female from B litter, so they could take them. The third owner wanted a puppy which I refused to send for show and breeding, so finally she did not get any puppy.

Belly was a submissive puppy getting well will all the others. She was an excellent friend with Beulah. They were living together, as well as Beowulf was living with his brother Big Foot. Once, a visitor caused a quarrel between Beowulf and big Foot, which was followed by the quarrel between Beulah and Belona. They were just 5-6 months old puppies, who faced the question “who is the stronger?”.

Unfortunately, one ear of Belona was badly injured. I was not sure it will heal well so she can go to dog shows in the future. I was curing her and I stopped offering her for shows. During the time, her ear was healing, she got so close to me and my heart that her destiny was decided. She stayed at home. Later a person asked her from me, but I seldom change my mind. She was no more for sale.

Character of Belona Cerberus Illusion
She inherited her wonderful character from her mother – my treasure – Cora. I always joke that she is improved Cora. Improved in the field of anatomy, but with the same big heart. They both have the same habits, same mimics, same way how they greet me and how they smile. These girls smile all the time, wagging their tails all the time. They are more often on 2 legs then on four and they are busy all the time.
When Belly was expecting puppies, she was jumping and walking on 2 legs even a few days before the date when she gave birth to her puppies. I told her: “You shouldn´t jump on hint legs so much as the puppies will come out thanks to the gravitation.” But she was just smiling and continued walking on hint legs (many her puppies inherited this behavior). What is the best thing – Belly makes me smile all the time. One must just have a look at her smiling face and extraordinary positive attitude and gets lucky too.

At dog shows she thought that the judge is there to cuddle her in the ring. So she went directly to the judges and wanted to be cuddled. When we were walking in the town, she wanted to go to each child who wanted to pet her. She is a female, who loves people very much. It is the same with other dogs and puppies.

Work and training
BELONA Cerberus Illusion (breeder: Gabriella Hurtos) first generation working cimarron born in Cerberus Illusion. We started obedience and protection training and she was great!
Trained in: obedience, fetching, protection and trick dog. Some of our working videos are available also here.
Belona is the first Cimarron Uruguayo female in the World with the following Trick dog titles:
Novice Trick dog
Intermediate Trick dog
Advanced Trick Dog
Alphabet Challenge
She also has other working titles:
Novice Masters Trick dog
2K-9 Run Ruff
Hungarian Grand Champion
Hungarian Show Champion
Hungarian Junior Champion
Serbian Junior Champion
Romanian Junior Champion
Champion of Champions 2019
Derby Winner
Best Derby Winner 2018
Hungarian Molosser Club Winner 2018
Hungarian Molosser Club Best Brace BIS 1st place 2018
HUME Best Brace BIS 1st place 2019
Hungarian Molosser Club Best Breeder´s Group BIS 1st place 2019
3x HPJ, 2x PRM, 2x CAJC, 4x CAC, 4x CAC (champion class), 3x CACIB, 7x Junior BOB, 5x BOS, 7x BOB (till end of 2020)

Health results: HD-A/A, ED-0/0, spine – excellent

Mother of the following litter
G litter with DUNCAN Cerberus Illusion
HU GRCH HSCH RO CH HU CH SP JCH HMCW TINU De Aqueronte (import Uruguay, breeder: Adriana Romero Doldan)